Our story
My name is Jonatan Andrasik, my wife is Elisabeth. We have three children Eszter Joy, Nora Faith, and Olivia Hope. Before Elisabeth and I got married, we knew where God was leading us. We didn't know how we would get there, but God did. Elisabeth knew when she was around four years old that God wanted her to be a missionary. God called me to be a Church Planter/ Pastor when I was around fifteen years old. Therefore, I was always going towards this goal with everything I did and planned.
We got married in November, 2015. It was amazing to see how God can put the little puzzle pieces together to make something wonderful out of the little broken things (us) that He has!
The Lord led me to the town of Biatorbágy through my secular job in 2014. He led me through many different things, even through putting me back in the exact same town after I had to leave for three months. This was the real "attention-grabber" for me, and I began to wonder why God kept putting me in Biatorbágy. I began to realize that this may very well be the place God wants me to begin a ministry. I shared with my Pastor (who was also my father), that this might be the place where God is leading me. So we began praying for wisdom and for further steps. I stared to work on making plans for an evangelistic meeting. I had no financial supporters, no wife, but I did have a great desire to serve the Lord and to see people finding forgiveness for their sins and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ! Just like in the Old Testament, as the priests had to get in the water by faith to cross the Jordan River, I was knowing and trusting that God can provide all the needs to finish the work He was starting. I kept praying for God's perfect will in my life.
The Lord provided help for the evangelistic campaign in 2015 with a missions group from Fargo Baptist Church in Fargo, North Dakota. This wonderful group helped put invitations and John/Romans in every single mailbox in Biatorbágy and some other nearby villages. On June 26, 2015, we rented a local well-known place, and seventeen people came from the town. And out of this meeting, we have met three Christian families, through whom God started to open doors for us to minister here. And all in the meantime, God had brought Elisabeth and I together.
Shortly after the evangelistic meeting, we began to have meetings with the three families about once a month, and we were praying for wisdom what to do next. The Lord, through different circumstances, again showed us a place to rent -- a good looking, large building located on a street corner, which used to be a pub. With other missionaries' help (both physical and financial) we have been able to rent the place since February, 2017. We had some struggles in the beginning, but by the end of July, we finished to fix most of the inside of the building, and made it ready to hold services.
On July 30, 2017, I was ordained, and our family was commissioned to begin ministry in Biatorbágy, Hungary!
The Lord led us to take this great step of faith to quit my secular job at the end of July, 2018, and went to ministry full time. Our hearts ache because of the spiritual work that needs to be done -- to see people get right with God! We have about 65% support. Please pray about supporting us financially, but most importantly support us with prayer!
Cornerstone Baptist Church had her first service on August 6, 2017. Until the end of 2017, we held services on Tuesdays and Sunday evenings. From January, 2018, on, we started Sunday morning services as well.
Update 2023:
Since we started the ministry here, we have seen about 200 individuals in our services, passed out tens of thousands of gospel literature, and personally talked to hundreds of people about the gospel as we are going out regularly door to door and to the parks and streets, passing out tracts and inviting people to church.
After 2020, the church started a nice growth. Some people made a profession of faith, and we had two baptisms. Several families joined by letter. On a normal Sunday morning, 25-30 peopleincluding children gather together with us to worship the Lord. Almost every month we have first time visitors. Please pray for those individuals to get saved!
In 2022, the Lord allowed us to buy a building! It functions as our apartment on the upper floor, and the sanctuary on the ground floor, with a nice size sanctuary, bathrooms, soon-to-be-done nursery, a kitchen for the church, guestroom and shower.There is a beautiful patio on the property where we have fellowship and meals together with the church. There is still a lot of work to be done, we go step by step!
This year, 2023, the Lord laid it on our hearts to go back to the States to raise some more support. We need more support firstly because almost 1/3 of our support came from one source, and this man went to be with the Lord last year. Since then, our Lord and our home church very graciously took great care of our needs. Secondly, everything got very expensive due to the inflation -- groceries, printing materials, utilities, gas. Therefore this year in October and November, we will be back, Lord willing, in America to raise some more support.
As the Bible says, the Harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. We would like to ask you to pray for us and with us as we work to reach more and more Hungarians with the wonderful news of the gospel!
Jonatán's Testimony:
I grew up in a Christian Family. My parents were believers, and even my grandparents. My Grandfather from my mom's side even started a little prayer group with their neighbors, and was kicked out of their church because of that. From my childhood I heard about the gospel and about the Lord Jesus Christ. We used to go to a Union Baptist Church (which used to be better then what it is nowadays, sadly).
In 1996, we started to attend services at a small church, which was started by a missionary. All we knew that is is a Independent Baptist Church, and that the Bible was really taught there.
I finally understood the gospel when I was eight years old in August of 1997. I sat down with my uncle and father; my uncle showed me from the Bible that, yes, there is the Lord Jesus, and I am a sinner, and to be saved I have to admit that I am a sinner and ask God's forgiveness of my sins and call upon His name. I did this that very night, and praise God I am saved forever more! I was baptized on December 26, 1999.
Since then I have been growing in spiritual knowledge, and the Lord called me to be in His work when I was fifteen years old. I started to attend Saturday Visitations weekly, and also started to use my talent to be the Pianist in the Church. At first, I hated the idea of being the pianist, but God softened my heart about that, and I learned to enjoy it.
In 2005, we had to move closer to the capital city Budapest, to help the missionary with planting the church where my father is currently the pastor.
It really has been a great experience to see technically two churches start from nothing! I has been great training for me as well. In 2009, another missionary arrived to Budapest -- Brother Jim Pranger. He has been teaching me since then at his Monday night "Bible Institute". This is where I learned to speak English well. (I still can't type properly, so my wife had to fix all the mistakes I made here.)
After several years of training and being faithful to the church, God worked out where He wanted to see me and my wife serve Him. Then He blessed us with a child, so now I'm also the proud father of our daughter Eszter Joy. She really is a joy and a blessing!
The Bible verse Isaiah 6:8 really touched my heart several years ago, and I have just kept thinking about it since. As I think even right now, what I think of and see is that there is only a handful of good Bible-preaching churches (I would say seven or eight) for almost 10,000,000 Hungarians. In these churches, I would say, altogether there is maximum of 250 people. And even among these people there is strife and separation too often. There are only a couple good, committed, godly Christian men and women and families who would stand up for the truth of the Bible without any questions and who would serve. As a Hungarian, it just breaks my heart!
I would love to see revival, and help this country to turn back to God before it is too late! While we are doing nothing (or very little), and instead have hatred and separation, people are dying without even HEARING the simple message of the gospel! I'm not even talking about them understanding it yet, but just hearing it! How can they hear if there isn't a preacher? And then how can they know God's love if there is no one to demonstrate what it really means to love with God's love? As the Bible says in John 13:34-35 "...Love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
I cannot wait to see what God is going to do in the future with us! I cannot wait to see people getting saved! To be able to spend most of our time in the ministry is our greatest desire now -- to share the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be a light to this dark and dying world.
Please pray with us and for us, as we do what we can.
Book of the Bible: First and Second Timothy
Chapter: 2 Tim. 4
Bible verses: Phil. 4:6, 1 Cor. 9:16, Gal 2:20
Song: Blessed Assurance
Elisabeth's Testimony:
From the time I was a little girl, I knew that God wanted my life involved in foreign missions. I was always interested when missionaries came to church and I always wanted to travel to the countries they lived in to learn about being a missionary.
I grew up in the little village Schoolcraft in Michigan. I'm an American, through and through! When I was very young, my father was the associate pastor of Community Baptist Church in Vicksburg, Michigan. For different reasons, we left the church for five years, and returned when I was eleven years old. The next year, my dad was voted in as pastor. He's been the pastor of Community Baptist since then. I grew up in the ministry and wanted that in my life.
I was saved when I was seven years old. I had made a profession of faith at four, but was doubting that I was really saved. When I asked my mother to help me, she immediately took me through the plan of salvation, and right there in our living room I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! When I was nine years old, I was baptized.
When I was eleven, the devil began to attack me with doubts of my salvation. I was so distressed that I went to the Lord in prayer. I asked for the Lord to confirm my salvation, and the Holy Spirit gave it to me with full assurance of faith and peace! I know I'm saved!
I always had this special passion for missions burning in my heart! I was thrilled in 2011, when the Lord allowed me to take a missions trip to Romania with the Pierucki family! I was only fifteen years old, but God used the trip for good in several ways. I saw missions first-hand, I was introduced to Hungary, and I met my future husband.
In 2014, my father visited the Pieruckis in Romania. Pastor Pierucki took him to Hungary, where he was able to meet the Hungarian pastor and his family I had been telling him about since 2011. He immediately picked out Jonatán as my potential future husband, and I began to seek the Lord for His will. Four years after my missions trip, and having had no contact or much thought of Jonatán (besides occasionally keeping his family in prayer), we re-met on the internet in February, 2015, and began to pray about marriage. The Lord led us to marry nine months after that.
Of course, I started to get involved in this ministry in Biatorbágy with my husband right away! On July 13, 2017, our daughter Eszter Joy was born. Two Sundays later, the Dunakeszi Independent Baptist Church commissioned us, and we have been holding services in Biatorbágy ever since.
I'm so excited to see how the Lord will lead us and what He will do in the future! It is such a privilege to be used of God, and I desire for Him to use me more!
Book of the Bible: James
Chapter: Psalm 34
Bible vers: 1 Thess. 5:24
Song: Anywhere With Jesus
Important dates:
Anniversary: November 26, 2015
Jonatán: August 9
Elisabeth: June 18
Eszter: July 13, 2017
Nora: May 7, 2021
Olivia: February 13, 2023