Other Missionaries


Today after the morning service, I took my wife and daughter out to have lunch. We were done eating and on our way out when all of a sudden, we heard two men behind us speaking in English. 

It is always a big surprise, especially to my wife, to hear people speaking perfect English, when almost everybody around us speaks Hungarian (or English with an accent of some sort). My wife said they sounded American.

We turned around to ask who they were. As it turns out, they were non-demoninational missionaries from Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was funny because my wife is from the Kalamazoo area too! The men's wives joined us, so we talked for a couple of minutes. We introduced ourselves and told them that we are Independent Baptists beginning a church plant. We learned that one couple has spent 16 years in Hungary, and the other couple 5 years. They attend an international church, and help missionary children with their schooling. 

It was very nice to meet with other Christians, especially from my wife's neck of the woods! Despite some doctrinal differences, it is always nice to meet with other believers. Whether or not we meet again on earth, we for sure will meet in heaven. 

But they told us something that got me to thinking. It's really no wonder we don't see many decent churches and people standing for the Truth! They said that on a Sunday, they have around 300 people in church, 60% of which are missionaries. What on earth are approximately 180 missionaries doing in one place??

We have a lot of work to do!

 © Copyright 2017-2023 Cornerstone Baptist Church, Biatorbágy Hungary. All rights reserved. Hungary 2051 Biatorbágy, Dózsa György út 40. 06-20/775-9591 andrasiksinhungary@yahoo.com
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